Wickenburg Rodeo 2 – April 26 and 27
Reminder – if you have not gotten the $1500 in sponsorship money – you must pay the $45.00 association fee. If this fee is not paid with your entry, you must pay before competing on Saturday.
The Sponsorship package is also available on the “Forms” page and those can be sent in anytime as well for the 2024-2025 Season. Remember to remind people we are a 501.C.3 so the sponsorship is a tax deduction.
Each contestant that brings in $1500.00 in sponsorship will get their Association Fees waived for the remainder of the Season. This is not a retroactive incentive but can still be a significant savings to contestants!
If you have any questions please call 928-202-7382.
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Many volunteers are needed to keep our day running smoothly and efficiently. We do not assign volunteers but rely on our parents to step in when called. You may need to flag, work the gate, set barrels/poles, time or annonce. If your not sure how to help please ask.
There have been a few minor changes and updates for the new season. Download the complete 2020-21 Rule Book (rev 8/18)
Your Support Keeps Us Going
THANKS to all who supported the kids by volunteering, being a director, donating money, and giving of their time. We wouldn’t be around after 54 years without you!
Keep checking back through the summer for information on our 2019-2020 Season.